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How to Use Flowcharts and Algorithms to Improve Your Programming Skills

Introduction: Flowcharts and algorithms are important parts of computer programming. They help programmers understand the logic of their cod...


Flowcharts and algorithms are important parts of computer programming. They help programmers understand the logic of their code and create effective solutions to problems. In this post, we will learn how to use flowcharts and algorithms to improve your programming skills.

Flowchart and algorithm for calculating the sum of the first 50 odd numbers
Algorithm and Flowchart 

This is an example of Algorithm and the Flowchart 

What are Flowcharts and Algorithms?

  • Flowcharts are graphical representations of a process or algorithm. They use symbols to represent different steps in the process, and arrows to show the flow of control between steps.
  • Algorithms are a set of instructions that a computer software uses to solve a specific problem. They lay out the logical sequence of steps to follow.

Why Use Flowcharts and Algorithms?

There are several reasons why you should use flowcharts and algorithms in your programming projects.

  • Visualization: Flowcharts and algorithms can help you to visualize the process or algorithm, which can make it easier to understand and debug.
  • Breakdown: They can help you to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable subproblems.
  • Accuracy: They can help you to ensure that your code is accurate and efficient.

Flowchart Symbols

How to Use Flowcharts and Algorithms

There are a few different ways to use flowcharts and algorithms in your programming projects.

  • Before you start coding: You can create a flowchart or algorithm before you start coding. This can help you to plan out the process or algorithm and make sure that you have all of the steps covered.
  • After you have coded: You can create a flowchart or algorithm after you have coded. This can help you to document your code and make it easier to understand for other programmers.

Common flowchart symbols with names, symbols, and purposes

Algorithm to add 3 numbers and print their sum

2. Declare 3 Integers variables num1, num2, num3.
3.Take the three numbers, to be added, as inputs in variables num1,num2 and num3 respectively.
4. Declare an integer variable sum to store the resultant sum of the 3 numbers.
5.Add the 3 numbers and store the resultant in the variable sum.
6.Print the value of the variable sum.


Flowcharts and algorithms are essential tools for developers. They help visualize the process and logic of code, leading to more efficient solutions. By implementing flowcharts and algorithms in your programming projects, you can improve your development process and optimize your code. Break down complex problems into smaller sub-problems and use flowcharts and algorithms to guide your code development. This way, you can create robust and efficient programs.

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